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For the flavours of summer

The changing seasons inspire every plate at The Torridon, with dishes built around those ingredients that are at their best.

We source our produce from only the finest Scottish producers and grow many of our ingredients in our own kitchen garden and farm. 

All our seasonal bounty can be enjoyed in our 1887 restaurant and our more casual restaurant, Bo & Muc

Tuck into the flavours of the Highlands

Our tasting experience allows you to sample the natural larder of Wester Ross in our 3 AA Rosette restaurant, 1887, where our head chef Alex crafts an innovative menu using locally sourced and homegrown produce.

You'll be guided through courses of refined and elegantly presented dishes, each showcasing some of the outstanding ingredients of the Scottish landscape. 

What's growing?

Quintessentially British fruit, including strawberries and gooseberries, begins to flourish this month. These soft berries thrive in the sunshine - though they've kept under nets in our kitchen garden to protect them from greedy birds!

Strawberries are best picked and eaten as soon as they achieve peak ripeness, while gooseberries can be picked while green and used for tart recipes like jam or pies, and then left to swell longer into the season to enhance a sweeter taste.

Our olearia bushes, commonly known as daisy bushes, are also flowering in June. The belong to the Asteraceae family, the largest flowering plant family in the world, and are originally found in New Zealand. 

Flavour of the month

Peas are at their best in June, when they're most vibrant in colour and flavour. Picked fresh from their pods in our kitchen garden, they can be eaten raw or lightly blanched, and we may even use the pod casings to make a super healthy and tasty summer soup.

Our favourite way to serve them is with zingy lemon sole, leeks and fresh crab from the Isle of Skye.

The summer sunshine also means it's time to celebrate the summer with a cocktail in hand, and National Martini Day and World Gin Day fall within a week of each other in the calendar, creating the perfect opportunity to try our own take on a classic using our Arcturus Gin, apple juice and a warming dash of Calvados to craft a Northern Light cocktail.